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Hara House

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Hara House surge de una vasta experiencia profesional en el manejo y tratamiento residencial de diferentes problemáticas que afectan la salud mental, con la convicción de que la recuperación es posible y el balance emocional es la clave para el bienestar. 

Rodeado por la naturaleza y en cómodas instalaciones, ofrecemos tratamiento y atención profesional de alta calidad en salud mental, adicciones y patología dual. 

Entendemos que la eficacia en un proceso de recuperación, reside en la coherencia de un plan de tratamiento personalizado planteado desde un modelo que concibe a la persona como un todo. La experiencia de tratamiento en Hara House ofrece un abordaje que supera los enfoques tradicionales en la atención de la salud mental, las adicciones y sus comorbilidades, apoyándose en la entrevista motivacional y el modelo transteórico del cambio consideradas herramientas poderosas para evaluar las necesidades individuales y la motivación. 

Nuestros planes de tratamiento se elaboran con las técnicas más avanzadas y basadas ​​en la evidencia, lo que permite desarrollar con cada cliente, objetivos terapéuticos que promuevan la restauración y el mantenimiento de hábitos de vida más saludables. Este tratamiento residencial consiste de 12 semanas divididas en 3 fases de 28 días cada una. Durante ese tiempo nos comprometemos a evaluar, tratar y generar estrategias de mantenimiento adaptadas a las necesidades de la persona. El proceso de seguimiento se estructura previo al egreso de acuerdo con las recomendaciones del equipo clínico. 

Tratamientos y procedimientos ofrecidos: Hara House ofrece tratamiento residencial para: 


Trastorno bipolar 


Trastorno de estrés postraumático y trauma

Trastornos de la personalidad


Trastornos la conducta alimentaria 


Patologías duales

Hara House emerges from extensive previous experiences of recovery treatment with the belief that recovery is possible and mental health is the key for the wellbeing. 

Surrounded by nature, in comfortable facilities and a supportive environment, we offer high quality professional treatment and care for mental health, addictions and dual diagnosis.

We are convinced that the effectiveness of recovery is the consistency of a personalized treatment plan based in a model that conceives a person as a whole. 

Hara House experience offers a unique approach to traditional treatment for mental health, addictions and its co morbidities.  This approach comprehends holistic-integrative individualized programs. Treatment strategy includes motivational interview and trans theoretical model as a powerful tool to evaluate needs and motivation. 

Our treatment proposals are based in the most advanced technics and evidence-based approaches, that allows developing strong therapeutic strategies in order to promote recovery and the maintenance of a healthy life plan. 

Inpatient treatment proposal consists of a 12 week program, divided in 3 phases of 28 days each. During that time we are committed to conduct evaluation, treatment and the maintenance recovery strategies adapted to the person’s needs. A follow up program is designed previous to discharge according to the clinical team recommendations.



Medical, Addictions, Mental Health, Psychiatry, Psychology and Rehabilitation



Contact Info

Contact Info

Year Opened

Year Opened

Year refurbished

Year refurbished



Number of doctors

Number of doctors

Number of rooms

Number of rooms

Accreditations & Affiliations

Accreditations & Affiliations

Ministerio de Salud

Instituto de Alcoholismo y Farmacodependencia IAFA



General Director and Hara House psychiatrist: Dr. Andrés Mesén

Clinical Director and Hara house psychiatrist: Dr. Luis Carlos Sancho

Assistant and admission coordinator: MSc. Béatrice Laprade

Psychology: MSc. Hazel Gutierrez (Family therapist)

Psychology: Lic. María Valle (general, CBT, eating disorders, addictions)

Psychology: Lic. Yael Cogut (TREC and Relapse Prevention)

Psychology: PhD. Vinicio Quirós (Humanism)

Psychology: Master Priscilla Piedra (wellness and compassion, mindfulness)

Psychology: Lic. Ryan Mendoza (TREC, motivational interview), Logotherapy)

Psychology: Lic. Frederick Solano (Group therapy, emotional support)

Psychology: Lic. Melissa Chaves (Ludo therapist)

Occupational therapist: Lic. Yislen Rojas

Social worker: Lic. Adriana Valverde

Addiction counseling: Mr. Freddy Chaves (12 step program, Matrix model, Motivational Interview)

Therapeutic Yoga: Lic. Rahel Pacheco

Wellness and Movement: Lic. Jaqueline Cooper (physiotherapist)

Nurse: Lic. Maria Fernanda Benavides

General Doctor: Dr. Karina Pérez

Accommodation Options

Accommodation Options

Single Room

Shared Room

Care Options

Care Options

Otros servicios que podemos coordinar según sea necesario:

Coordinación de desintoxicación

Estimulación Magnética Transcraneal (EMT)

Protocolo de metadona

Protocolo de ketamina



Servicios médicos específicos

Examinaciones de laboratorio

Other services we can coordinate as necessary:

Detox coordination

Transcraneal Magnetic Stimulation (TMS)

Methadone protocol

Ketamine protocol



Specific medical services

Laboratory tests

Services Offered

Services Offered

Inpatient treatment includes personalized and integral treatment program and a variety of group therapy:

Medical evaluation


Psychological evaluation and psychotherapy 

Psychiatric evaluation and weekly follow-up (minimum once a week)

AA, NA Counseling and assessment

12 steps group

Quitting smoking cessation program

Relapse prevention


Social skills group

Self-compassion group

Art therapy

Family/couple therapy

Personal planning strategies, evaluation and assessment.

Social assessment

Rational emotive therapy

Gestalt psychology

Therapeutic Yoga

Personal training program

Diet supervised by dietician

24/7 medical assistance

24/7 support



Tennis court

Wash & Fold laundry service

Cleaning service

Transportation from Juan Santa María Airport to Hara House/transport from Hara House to Juan Santa María Airport (at admission and discharge only). Tobias Bolaños airport also.

Closest to

Closest to

Bouganvillea Hotel

Closest airports

Closest airports

Juan Santamaría Airport

Tobías Bolaños Airport


Hara House
Get directions


Hara House

These are the geocoordinates​. ​Simply ​copy these numbers, enter​ them​ in Waze and ​you are good to go: 10.017144, -84.0540633

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